We all dream of that one perfect skate spot whether it be the perfect pool, the buttery-est rail, or maybe even just a mellow curve. Even professional skateboarders travel all over the globe to get the perfect magazine cover over the perfect set.
In Nightspeeds‘ case, a Denmark YouTube personality, the dream spot is a seemingly endless half-pipe. The pipe does actually have an endpoint, but it is so long that it feels endless. The endless half pipe is found in the Umeå Energy Center in Umeå, Sweden. This graffiti-covered span of half pipe is extremely difficult to skate since it lacks coping and hosts steep angles.
These guys throw down a few tricks on the edges of the pipe, which includes a rock to fakie. Watch this video to see the cool spot and see the beautiful scenery surrounding the spot. It also has plenty of jokes to keep you interested. Next time you’re in Sweden check it out.
What would you guys bust on this?
For more action check out Nightspeed’s Instagram